Origin story

The title of this blog borrows its name from the song, ‘From Little Things, Big Things Grow’ by legendary Australian singer-songwriters Kev Carmody and Paul Kelly. The song, first released in 1991 by Kelly and then in 1993 by Carmody, is without a doubt Australia’s most well-known protest song. It chronicles the story of the Wave Hill Walk Off, a labour strike at the Wave Hill cattle station led by Gurindji man Vincent Lingiari. The strike, which lasted 8 years, was a catalyst for the modern day Indigenous land rights movement, culminating in the Aboriginal Land Rights Act of 1976. Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam symbolically gave the Gurindji their land back in a ceremony with Vincent Lingiari in 1975.

Vincent Lingiari refused to settle for less than his people deserved. His conviction, persistence and patience paid off, and opened the door to something much bigger than he likely had ever imagined possible.

The little ones in our lives, the small people who depend on us, are future Vincent Lingiaris. To grow compassionate, engaged, change-making humans we must start planting the seeds from the beginning. From little things, big things grow.

Unsplash image by Francesco Gallarotti

Unsplash image by Francesco Gallarotti

The Takeaway:

You reap what you sow.


WANT to know more?

Watch this clip. It includes documentary footage about the Wave Hill Walk Off and a beautiful rendition of ‘From Little Things, Big Things Grow’ featuring Paul Kelly, Kev Carmody, Clare Bowditch, Missy Higgins and Dan Sultan.


Fruit stall ninja


The what and the why